Our Team

Tribute to staff members

« As a General Manager, I am a person who likes to take up challenges and who is always full of projects ideas. Some might find me unrestful while others would appear resistant to various projects. This is why it seems important to me to draw attention to the great strength that comes from both Friendship Volunteer Association Inc. and Association Logement Amitié Inc. It is the team.

The exceptional contribution of the interveners, social animators, the educator and the assistant of the Friendship Volunteer Association Inc. as well as that of the night interveners of the Association Logement Amitié Inc. deserve to be recognized. In their respective roles, they weave excellence on a daily basis. The actions they take every day help alleviate human distress and embellish the lives of everyone they meet. »

Doratha Auger, General Manager

Intervention workers

Bella Snyder

Intervention worker since 1996

Cettina Infatino

Intervention worker since 2007

Émilie Beaupré

Intervention worker since 2009

Alain Brousseau

Intervention worker since 1996

Alex Csizmadia

Intervention worker since 2005

Pascal Côté

Intervention worker since 1998

Pierre Petit

Intervention worker since 2006

Jean-Loubert Jean-Charles

Intervention worker since 2002

Joseph Alonce Delpé

Intervention worker since 2008


Renan Chérubin Junior

Educator since 2018

Social animators

Félicité Mukantibimenya

Social animator since 2009

Lindsay O’Donnel

Social animator since 2018

Maggy Potvin

Social animator since 2012